Getting lost in a labyrinth is not unusual. A good advice would be making a trace or using a twine to find the exit:
The place where adults and children would like to have an experience of getting lost. A harmless labyrinth in the Jardin des Plantes at the Rue de Buffon in Paris seems to be the right place to have a quivering walk. It was a medicinal herb garden in 1635, the original name was the Jardin du Roi. Four years later, it opened to the public. The maze was added later by Comte de Buffon, Count of Buffon when he became the curator in 1739. It is now the main botanical garden in France. HIs statue is in front of the the grande galerie de l'Évolution:
Another important figure in the garden of plants, sculpture of Bernadin de St Pierre:
His official name is Jacques-Henri Bernardin de Saint-Pierre. In 1768 he traveled to Mauritius and studied plants. Three years later, he met Jean-Jacques Rousseau, together they studied the plants around Paris. He was the manager of the Botanical Gardens in 1797. There are many buildings in this area that you should visit. The most interesting building would be a transparent greenhouse, the Nouvelle Calédonie's Hothouse, built around 1834–36 by Charles Rohault de Fleury. The usage of metal and glass structure on roof and walls is to control environment against diseases and enhance optimal growth. It is an early work of French glass and metal architecture:
Walking in a labyrinth is quite trembling, do not go there after sunset unless it is your own garden. Once you step into the labyrinth, make a decision, either turn left:
or turn right:
It seems to be wise to follow someone, especially the local people. Go on! Well, if it is not a challenge, try entering one of unknown holes:
You would not know how it goes:
Until you manage to reach upper level of the labyrinth, you may encounter obstacles or dead ends. However, the best is seeking the point of reference and spot where you can see the overview of labyrinth. From this point on, you can guess who is getting lost:
In the labyrinth, you may think it is an exit, but it is a dead end. Some mysterious holes leads you nowhere:
The hedges are quite low and formed into the spiral pathway. In the center of labyrinth is your destination. You can set this small building as your reference point:
The myth tells us about Minotaur who dwelt at the center of the labyrinth that was designed by Daedalus (Artist in Greek Mythology). Minotaur has the body of a man, but the head and tail of a bull. According to the mythology, he is a son of the Queen of Crete who was punished to be in love with the white bull (the cretan bull) and gave a birth to be Minotaur. The punishment was for the King Minos of Crete who did not show honor to the sea god (Poseidon) by killing the bull because of its beauty. After the birth of Minotaur, the oracle of Delphi told the King to build the labyrinth and keep Minotaur there, so the labyrinth is supposed to be Knossos near the palace of the King Minos.
However, it is impossible to enter this building. It is called Gloriette de Buffon:
The metal gazebo has the motto in Latin " Horas non numero nisi serenas "= "I only count happy hours." It is unlikely to find no exit, so please find the exit.
Have a happy hour!