In a far away land, a princess played and lost her golden ball in a pond. According to the old fairy tale "The Frog Prince" from the 16th century, the prince who was cursed by a witch hoping the right princess to release him from being a frog:
The frog in the fairly tale would look like this:
In newer variations (originating around the end of the 19th century), kissing the right princess to release his curse is more popular in Europe.
Swedish Princess cake is a layer cake or sponge cake with whipped cream and vanilla cream covering with green marzipan, sprinkled with powdered sugar or icing sugar, so called "Prinsesstårta" in Swedish. The original one is with orange marmalade layer. However, the cartoon frog has usually green color. Well, in the nature, orange or blue frogs exist!
The previous name of princess cake was "green cake". The change of the name started when Scandinavian princesses and a princess of Belgium love this cake very much.
A fairy tale's Ice-Princess in Belgium that we met and did not ask if she is fond of this cake:
The palace is supposed to be where princess lives. Let's hop on the Island where the Swedish Crown Princess or the Queen of Sweden lives, "Drottningholm Palace".
The other side of the palace is connected to the Lake Mälaren where visitors should arrive there by boat.
There are a few things to see such as the Chinese Pavilion and English garden. Some fountains and baroque garden like other palaces in Europe.
The easiest way for visitors to reach this palace from Stockholm:
Of course, it is always well-guarded and the Royal guards will never smile while they are on duty. The Swedish Royal guards has protected the palace and the Royal Family since 1523. However, you don't need to be afraid of the royal guards as long as you are not dangerous to them. (our next article: Hop on the boat to Drottningholm Palace)
Now, let's hop on the top layer of green marzipan of the princess cake which it is similar to skin of the frog prince, somehow it fits to the famous fairy tale, "The Frog Prince" by the Brothers Grim.
At the end, the princess threw the poor frog to the wall and luckily, he turned to be a prince again, otherwise the frog died in the palace!!. Speaking of throwing thing, silly girls try to throw the prince biscuit to the wall, it will not turn to be a prince even the right princess would throw it. We did not get informed if any princess in the world would try it, who knows? Anyway, if it does not taste good, you can throw it away.
Should you decide to eat either eat a sweet prince or a sweet princess, please continue read the story of "The Prince Biscuit" (our article: The Prince Biscuit):
The princess cake has green color like an expression says "Grün ist die farbe der Hoffnung" = Green is the color of hope. However, some people say "Green is mean", in German: "Vor Neid grün werden" = Turning green because of envy. Now you know why!